Monday, March 14, 2005

What do you look like at 30 frames per minute?

If you haven't ever had a chance to do a web conference with someone, you really should try. If not for the practical, theoretical applications, for the entertainment.

The slow moving camera.

The choppy sound.

The lighting that would make a super model look like a serial killer.

I see now where Saturday Night Live got there idea to use a dorm room webcam for one of their skits. Over the past few weeks, my family and I have been sequentially testing out different cameras and connections with each other that will allow for online video chatting. We spend about 30 minutes opening, closing, and reopening windows and programs in an effort to get the software to work as it is supposed to. I use my internet phone to call them and try to talk through things. We give up and revert either to a phone call or online instant messaging.

As much of a pain it can be (sorry it crashed your computer dad) and as imperfect as the programs are, there is something really reassuring to seeing your loved ones on your screen and responding to you. My brother, Mark, showed me my nephew's art work today. It was so fun. He did a Reedyasaurus; scary monster that died out long ago. My brother said it had a big cranium, but I think that was just a favorable scientific interpretation. Last week, I got to see my mom's cast. She broke her hand and has been having quite the time. These devices and technologies really are changing the way we interact.

I don't know all my friends that have web cams or instant messaging accounts, but if you do, please e-mail me and let me know. You too can see what I really look like when I am typing at my computer;-) If that's not excitement, I don't know what is.

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