Saturday, September 04, 2010

ID Card Material

I've been incredibly neglectful of photos but we are truly still getting settled and I have no idea where the camera's computer connection cord is.  So I thought I'd share one of Dorothy's ID photos, taken on Thursday (9 and 1/2 months).  Pretty soon she will have two forms of picture ID - her passport and a Spanish NEI card (identity card).  This shot was for the NEI.  It turned out really cute but will forever enshrine one of our temporary attempts at new hairdos, some of which are more evenly spaced than this one!  I actually kind of like the differently sized poofs.

This is the second time we have taken Dorothy in for a passport-like photo where the technician has delivered the photos to us and voluntarily printed out a bigger photo for us to take home.  It's very been very sweet!  But the technician in Chicago did freak me out when I went (without Dorothy) several weeks after Dorothy got her passport photo to Walgreens to pick up some other photos and she had printed out this free copy.  The fact that she had seen enough of our printed photos to remember D was my daughter and knew where her passport photo was stored in Walgreens's big computer system was enough to stir some privacy concerns for me.  If she hadn't been handing me photos of our cutie, I would have been creeped out.

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