Friday, February 17, 2006

3 Pieces of Randomness

First, Hong Kong must have more delivery carts per capita than any other place in the world. I walked to the gym (about 3 blocks) and saw ten carts loaded with stuff. Each cart is about 2' by 4', metal, and built to fold flat. Very smart. Reminds me of another cool delivery invention I saw two days ago at the store. It was a Park 'n Shop (ironic that it's the biggest HK chain but no one drives) that was in the basement of a main street. At about 9pm, the delivery truck had arrive and the staff set up a massive chute to send packages flying down and thus to save their backs, though I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a 12 pack of coke on one of those things.

Work Cart

Second, I just made "silver" in the Marco Polo Club, Cathay Pacific's (HK airline we fly most) frequent flyer program. No longer "green", I will now get to go into the fancy dancy lounge that Eric raves about. It's a whole secret world of business travelers and the luxuries they use to stay sane on the road. I will report.

Lastly, I wanted to bring up sailors. From what that paper said another US ship is docking here for the weekend. These are big events in HK that happens a couple of times per year. Many US families that are involved in the formal expatriate community host sailors for dinner. What is more interesting to me though is how all of my friends with daughters talk of these docking sailors as all their parental concerns incarnate. You'd think they left the ship like a band of roving plunderers and that their daughters were powerless against them.

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