Tuesday, October 04, 2005


We have visitors this week. Eric's dad and step-mom are using our place for a jumping off place on adventures in HK. This morning, the weather having cleared up, I took them on a hike up from our apartment through the zoo and Hong Kong Park.

Pat, Eric's Dad's wife, is much more direct and outgoing than I ever could be and I can't help but share a story from this morning. Pat is additionally an absolute kid nut. Loves, loves, loves them. Well, as we were touring the zoo, several different school groups were coming through. Two-by-two, teacher at head, and some form of matching clothing item in common. Some had hats, others backpacks, and others uniforms. They were so cute!

I've always been afraid to take photos of the kids as I just think it is funny for random guys to take pictures of kids who are not theirs these days. Pat tackled my hesitancy quickly and with great success. She jumped in and asked the teacher if she could take a photo and with approval ended up with all the kids waving at her for a photo. What was really funny though, was that Pat's random initial reaction was to get the kids to say something for the photo. What popped into her mind?


That's right, we are now embassadors for the USA. We've got kids chanting for the US over here in HK. I can't stop laughing about this. This sounds totally like something I'd do on accident, not even realizing it. I have this bad habit of slowing down my speech when I think someone hasn't understood my English. In reality, most of the time it's that I mumble rather than language barriers.