Monday, August 30, 2010

The Crawlers

It's been a good weekend in Madrid.  Feeling our way around town, we were able to explore new possible neighborhoods and some areas which are starting to seem familiar.  I should be accurate - Eric was able to explore.  I would be lost right now if it weren't for him and his insane abilities at navigation and visual memory.  He's taken all the driving thus far and thus most of the real stress in navigating the streets.

Today, Dorothy decided to crawl.  This afternoon and actually more precisely about 4pm.  She's had the abilities for a number of months but always shown more interest in walking than crawling but something clicked in the living room of our rented apartment.  Lucky for us, Eric and I were both there to see it so that made it all official.  These things really are like the Olympics - until witnessed by someone else in addition to yourself it's not going to make it into the record books.  I can't say that there was anything surprisingly appealing at the end of Dorothy's gaze that appeared to drive her desire to crawl and close space quickly but it was obvious the rest of the night that she's a woman with new freedom and we're going to have out hands full.

Three crawlers in Madrid sounds a little disgusting and creepy but its a good sign we are all gaining some confidence.

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